View Contacts

You can see Contacts from the phone.
You will be able to see who your children are conversing with.

view contacts

Contacts from the phone

You can view contacts on your child's phone. You will be able to see who the contacts are when you first install the app on their phone. When the app is installed it will make a copy of the contacts on the phone.

This is very important as a Parent to know who your children are communicating and conversing with. There may be someone who you do not want your child to be conversing with.By viewing the list you will then know if they are in fact communicating with that person.

Since kids use their phone at all times they will be keeping the people they most interact with on their contact lists. By getting a copy of their contact list when you first install the app on their phone you will be able to know who they are dealing with on a daily basis.

Kids sometimes do not know who they are dealing with or are over their head with people they should not be conversing with. With the right data you can help them navigate this problematic area if need be.

Spy Phone view contacts

The Spy Phone app helps you to connect with your family. Installing this app on your loved one's phone allows you to view their phone contacts also.

It may seem normal, but sometimes it can be the reason for a big incident. As a parent, you can understand the situation perfectly. The app is not a spy app

You can see who your child is contacting. You can check their names, locations and be aware of any spam contacts. You can also see the deleted contacts. So, if your child tries to hide something from you, you can just monitor things through the app.

It is the most reliable app for parents. It shows every possible information it may gather. Like Name, phone number, picture, address, etc.

How Spy Phone View contact feature works:

It spies on the targeted mobile phone and tracks every detail one may need. Today's world is not only easy but also a complex world for many reasons. At this time, you must be cautious about the people with whom your children are interacting, having conversations, and making plans for their leisure time.

Considering these possible issues, a spy phone app allows you to be the driver of your child’s life. Whenever any suspicious contact enters your targeted phone, you will get an alert, and you will be able to see who it is!

Helps with parental monitoring:

You can check if any other people are also spying on your kid. If it happens, you can just deny the app to spy on your child’s mobile phone.

Most of the time, parents feel concerned about what websites their children are browsing. So, not only the contacts but also the web browsing. Parents can check their children's browsing history so that they can be aware of safe browsing habits. They can prevent inappropriate browsing.

Why do you need this view contact feature:

I can say a lot of reasons, but whenever you think by yourself, you will get more.

People who have a good social standard sometimes get targeted by lots of people who only want to harm them or their status. For those types of people, the main target is the family members, mostly the children.

Once their children are targeted, mobile phones are the best way to communicate with them. So, without any doubt, the first step your enemy will take is to communicate with your family member or child.

Being aware of this type of communication is so important because once they are successful, they are successful.

Children are the most loving people. So it’s our own responsibility to protect them from any kind of inappropriate thing. The program is not a spy app

Helps securing your child’s life:

We all know that, at a certain age, people feel curious about forbidden things. Anything it is, it can be drugs, unsocial work, any kind of crime, etc.

And when the parents are not around their children, they most likely try to explore things, try to know the unknown, and to be familiar with every forbidden thing.

Even if no one is targeting you, there is a chance somehow your child could be involved with the wrong people. So, for working parents, the importance of knowing the contact details of their child is huge.

Provides safety to your family member:

Your family members may be in danger. You never know what is going to happen tomorrow. Being caring and protective is the best thing you can do. One of your family members may be in danger for some reason, or for some people.

If you can view their contact details, you can easily protect them from being harassed. We all know that in today’s world, mobile phones are the key to communication.

As a guardian, it’s our responsibility to make our family members’ lives safe, secure, and tension-free.

Spy phone is the latest app that consists of a lot of helpful functions, so one keeps their eyes on the people they give priority to.

Prevents crimes:

It is proven that because of lack of information, a lot of crimes have occurred and a lot of people have lost their loved ones. They could not reach them just because they did not know who they were with. Or where they have gone.

With research, I found out that most crimes could be prevented if we were able to know the people on the victims' contact list.

Most of the children indulge in drugs and do some unsocial work because of bad companions. Parents, in general, do not know with whom their children are interacting when they are out of the house.

Spy phones want to bring a change in parenting so that when the child needs to be checked, the parents can make sure that they are checking their activities.

If a parent or guardian discovers any irrelevant contact or unethical behaviour on your part, they can use a spy phone as evidence and take legal action.

Though the spy phone is a new app, it has a huge audience and genuine acceptance. This app works legally, so any data provided by a spy phone is trustworthy. There is no one who is not concerned about their children, family members, and loved ones. I can say you are also one of them.

Why take risks when you have a reliable option to ensure 24/7 security for your own people?

Download the app, and make the best use of it.

Frequently asked questions:

  • 1. Is there any chance my information could get leaked for the app?

No, not at all. The Spy phone is the safest app for you. If you are the administrator, and you do not allow any other devices to spy on you. Then there is no chance for anyone to access your data.

All of your information is in your hands. Your data is as secure as you keep it. A spy phone has almost nothing to do with your private information. We are not a spy app

  • 2. Can I use a spy phone offline?

It is already mentioned that phone spy uses GPS for location tracking. This app needs the internet. Whatever it is, you have to make sure your mobile phone is connected to internet facilities to run the app.

You can not use it offline.

  • 3. Can I check the deleted contacts also?

Yes. You can check the deleted contacts as well as the present contacts.

Not only the contacts, but you can also check their names, locations, cell phone details, pictures, etc.

  • 4. Can I add any restricted contact to my child’s phone?

You can restrict or limit contact on your child's phone. If you find any inconvenience in their contact list, you can block them as early as possible. Also, you can limit their contacts so that people who are not on the list will not be able to contact them.

You can restrict browsing as well. Using a URL, you can forbid any app to browse on your child’s device.

  • 5. Can they restrict me from not seeing the contacts?

If the app is allowed to run on their device, then you don’t need to worry at all. But this app needs permissions from both of the devices to run and transfer data. So it’s obvious that if they somehow are not allowed to spy on them, then you can not check anything. Nothing.

  • 6. Do I need to pay for viewing the contacts?

Spy Phone is a free app. Once you install it on your device, you can run it without thinking about anything.

You do not have to pay to run this app and to use any kind of feature. You can view contacts only by installing them and having permission from the second person's device.

Protect your children, family members, or any people you care about through a spy phone or contact system.

App is available for free on Google Play & App Store